Thank you for your interest in my consulting service. This letter will explain how my service works and offer a few easy instructions to how you can begin using my services immediately. As you may already know, my business is helping people enhance their chances of winning their Social Security disability benefits.
There are two kinds of Social Security Disability programs. If you have ever worked at a job, you have paid into the system of Social Security Disability. SSI is a federal welfare program. If you are low income and not eligible for other Social Security programs, you might qualify for SSI. In either case, you deserve the best possible chance to receive benefits if you are totally disabled. Both programs require a person to be medically disabled under the Social Security Guidelines. There are slight differences to both programs. I will go over those items after you fill out and complete the questionnaire if you have any questions about which one concerns you.
You may have already discovered that just applying for benefits is not enough. The Social Security disability system is complex with many ways of being denied. If you truly believe you are disabled, you must be willing to fight for your benefits. However, it would not be wise to tackle SSA alone. You need the help of those who have been specifically trained dealing with the Social Security disability system. Many attorneys are not trained to handle these types of cases and may require a large up-front retainer.
I believe I have a more effective way of fighting for your rights. I do not charge an up-front fee, just 25% of the back benefits, with a maximum of $6,000.00 (there are exceptions for continuing disability reviews). Your future monthly benefits will not be affected. In return, I will act as your authorized representative before the Social Security Administration. Representation will assure that your case receives fair consideration from SSA. You only pay this fee if I win your case. There is no obligation if I lose.